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Our group studies integrated electronic-photonic co-design with the goal of improving the performance of electronic systems using photonic devices and improving the performance of photonic systems by incorporating electronic devices and techniques. Applications of electronic-photonic co-design include communication, imaging, Radar, LIDAR, and multi-modal bio-sensing. We design both electronic and photonic chips and package our fabricated chips to form the electronic-photonic system and we measure its performance. In monolithic approach, both electronic and photonic systems are designed and fabricated on a single platform.
We are also interested in low power integrated RF, mm-wave, and sub-mm-wave circuits and systems with applications in detection and sensing, communication, and bio-technology.


Congratulations to Farshid for publishing his Coherent multilayer photonic nanoatenna array paper (to appear on the cover of ACS). 2021.

Congratulations to Henry for being awarded a 2021 NDSEG Fellowship.

2020 Bell Labs Prize.

Congratulations to Han for his Best Student Paper Award – 1st Place at RFIC 2020.
Welcome to our new PhD students Amirreza & Claire.
Congratulations to Mohamad, co-recipient of the 2019-2020 Joseph, D’16, and Rosaline Wolf Award, Best dissertation from an ESE PhD candidate.
Congratulations to Mohamad and Farshid for their PhD defense.

Congratulations to Mohamad for publishing his Nanophotonic phase noise filter paper.

Congratulations to Zhe Xuan for publshing his Integrated coherent optical receiver with feed-forward carrier recovery paper.
Congratulations to Zhe for defending his PhD thesis and joining Intel.

Congratulations to Farshid for making the cover of Optica

Penn-led Team Receives DARPA Grant to Develop Electronic-photonic Chips for Highly Efficient Data Transfer

Penn Engineers’ New Chip Poised to Enable Hand-Held Microwave Imaging

Firooz receives the 2019 Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award from the Office of Naval Research

Firooz receives 2019 NASA Early Stage Innovation Award

Congratulations to Farshid for publishing his NxN optical phased array with 2N phase shifters paper.
Congratulations to Vinay – recipient of 2018-2019 ESE Graduate Award for Best Master’s Thesis.

Congratulations to Zhe Xuan for publishing his Frequency Locking of Lasers to RF Oscillators paper.
Congratulations to Mohamad for publishing his Laser Spectral Linewidth Reduction paper.

Congratulations to Farshid, Pouria & Mohamad for publishing their High-resolution Optical Frequency Synthesis paper.

Penn Engineers Develop Microchip Laser Stabilizer, Enabling Faster Data Transfer

Congratulations to Mohamad for publishing his Integrated PDH paper.

Congratulations to Farshid for publshing his Integrated EOPLL paper.
Congratulations to Han – recipient of 2016-2017 ESE Graduate Award for Best Master’s Thesis.
Congratulations to Pouria – recipient of 2015-2016 ESE Graduate Award for Best Master’s Thesis.